Latex Vs. Memory Foam Mattress

Last Updated January 5, 2024

The latex vs memory foam mattress debate is one with critical implications. Did you know that sleep plays a key role in your overall health and wellness? It improves productivity, mental concentration and reduces the risk of life-threatening diseases.

Regardless of how important a good night’s sleep is, most of you still struggle to shuteye even after having a tiring day. Tossing and turning the whole night and waking up feeling worn out, you might be asking yourself this question- ‘What is wrong with me?’ If you find yourself in this situation, just chill! Nothing is wrong with you - your mattress might be the culprit.

latex mattress

latex vs memory foam mattresses

Finding the right mattress is not just about looking for the biggest luxury brand or spending the most money. An ideal mattress is the one that makes you feel comfortable and supported so that you can wake up feeling refreshed and not achy or stiff. With foam mattresses like latex and memory foam trending these days, you might be confused about choosing the one that fits your sleep style best. Even though both of them are popular in the mattress world, the feel they offer is very different. So, what is the difference between latex and memory foam?

What is latex foam mattress?

Latex foam is derived from the sap of rubber trees. When used in a mattress, it has a faster response time and more bounce than traditional mattresses like memory foam. They are a good choice for people who prefer firmer mattresses because they provide excellent support and generally do not sag over time

Latex mattresses typically last about 20 years or more. They are usually more expensive than other types of mattresses, but many people find them to be worth the investment.

Exposed layers of organic natural latex

Types of latex mattress

There are four different categories that come under latex - Natural, organic, synthetic, and blended.


Natural latex mattresses are made from rubber trees that have not been treated with any harmful chemicals. They are durable and one of the most expensive types of latex mattress.


Organic latex mattresses are made from rubber trees that have been certified by the USDA as meeting certain environmental standards. These standards include requirements for the use of sustainable farming practices, such as using natural fertilizers and refraining from using harmful pesticides.


Synthetic latex foam is made using petrochemicals. It looks very similar to natural latex foam, but it costs less. Similarly


Blended latex is a mix of natural and synthetic latex and is less expensive than natural latex but more expensive than synthetic latex.

Latex mattress manufacturing process

To make a natural latex foam mattress, the manufacturers have to harvest the rubber tree’s sap. After that, the sap goes through the Dunlop or Talalay process. While Dunlop latex has a denser and firmer feel, Talalay latex offers a lighter and bouncier feel.


Dunlop latex is made by pouring latex into a mold and then vulcanizing it, or curing it with heat. This method creates a solid piece of latex that is dense and extremely durable.

dunlop latex foam


Talalay latex manufacturing process has the same initial steps as that of the Dunlop process followed by vulcanizing the latex and then flash freezing it. This results in a much softer type of latex.

Talalay latex foam

While talalay latex has some advantages, it is not as durable as dunlop latex and is more expensive to manufacture. For these reasons, most manufacturers prefer to use dunlop latex in their mattresses. And when it comes to quality, you can't beat a mattress made with dunlop latex.

What is a memory foam mattress?

Memory foam is crafted using polyurethane foam and additional chemicals to give a viscoelastic effect. If you haven’t heard the term ‘viscoelastic’ before, let me make it easy for you - the so formed material is powerful enough to respond to one’s body temperature and weight in order to adjust to the exact shape of your body.

what is a memory foam mattress

Types of memory foam mattress

Basically, there are three types of memory foam mattresses - traditional memory foam, plant based memory foam, and gel memory foam


Traditional memory foam mattresses are made of synthetic materials that are derived from petroleum. They are popular for their conforming ability, which allows the mattress to contour to the sleeper's body. However, traditional memory foam mattresses often retain body heat, making them feel hot and stuffy.

natural and organic latex mattress topper


Plant-based memory foam mattresses are a more environmentally friendly option. They are made with plant based oils like castor oil or soyabean oil instead of petroleum, and they often sleeps cooler than traditional memory foam mattresses.


Gel memory foam mattresses have beads of gel added to the foam to help regulate body temperature throughout the night.

what is a gel memory foam mattress

All three types of memory foam mattresses provide good support and pressure relief, but plant based and gel memory foam mattresses are more expensive than traditional memory foam mattresses.

Latex vs memory foam mattresses- How do they differ?

Now that you know they’re not the same, let's take a look at the major differences between latex and memory foam mattresses.

Motion isolation

Memory foam mattresses prevent motion transfer. This means that if you are sleeping with someone who frequently moves around during the night, you're less likely to feel it. If your partner is an active sleeper, consider a memory foam mattress to improve your sleep quality!

Latex mattresses respond a little differently. Even though latex absorbs motion across the bed, it doesn't prevent motion transfer as well as memory foam. This means latex foam mattresses are bouncier and more responsive. That doesn't mean however, that the motion is transferred to the other sleeper- responsiveness is localized. It does mean that a latex mattress is well suited for active sleepers themselves, as the mattress can quickly conform to your body as you move.

latex vs memory foam in terms of motion isolation


Memory foam mattresses are designed in a way that conforms to the exact shape of each person. When you sleep on it, you feel as if you are sinking in, and the mattress is enveloping you.

On the other hand, a latex foam mattress will compress, bounce, and will only conform to the general impressions that your body makes. That is, latex pushes back against your weight and prevents the sinking in feeling. This means latex mattresses are more firm, while memory foam mattresses are more soft.


Latex mattresses are generally more breathable than memory foam mattresses, meaning that they tend to sleep cooler. This is due to the fact that latex is a more open-celled material, allowing air to flow freely through the mattress. Memory foam, on the other hand, is a more closed-cell material, trapping heat and causing some people to sleep hot. However, some memory foam mattresses have special cooling gel layers that help to improve airflow and prevent overheating.

When it comes to breathability, latex foam is the clear winner, but memory foam can still be a good option if you choose a mattress with cooling gel technology.

Pressure relief and Responsiveness

Latex is a natural material that conforms to the shape of the body, providing support and evenly distribute weight. In addition, latex is highly resilient, so it bounces back quickly after being compressed. As a result, latex provides excellent pressure relief for people who often move around in their sleep.

latex vs memory foam in terms of pressure relief and responsiveness

Memory foam, on the other hand, contours closely to the body and slowly returns to its original shape. This allows memory foam to provide deep pressure relief that can help to reduce pain for people with conditions such as arthritis.

Eco friendliness

Memory foam/viscoelastic polyurethane foam is made from petroleum-based products, so it's not the most environmentally friendly option. Latex, on the other hand, is made from natural materials like tree sap or milk, making it a more sustainable choice.

In terms of manufacturing, memory foam requires more energy and resources to produce than latex. Additionally, memory foam can off-gas harmful chemicals like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can have negative health effects.

Finally, memory foam takes up more space in landfills than latex because it doesn't break down as easily. When all things are considered, latex is the more ecofriendly choice.

latex vs memory foam in terms of eco friendliness

Why pick memory foam beds?

If you are a back sleeper or side sleeper, you would probably love it! The feel that this mattress provides is very distinct, making it one of the best foams in mattress construction. When you are sleeping on your back or side, it allows your neck and spine to reach a comfortable level of optimal alignment. Memory foam also supports your hip and shoulder bones that press into your bed when you sleep.

How a memory foam mattress supports your neck and shoulders

We’ve discussed above that mattress made of this material contours perfectly to every part of the body. Due to this super ability of memory foam, it is well suited for those people suffering from painful bedsores. They are also a great option for allergy sufferers.

Why pick latex beds?

While there are many reasons why it might be best for you to choose a latex mattress, we will pinpoint a few general reasons. Natural latex foam comes straight from the rubber tree, and so they are environmentally friendly. As said before, there are synthetic and blended options available, but if you want a sustainable and chemical-free option, then always go for natural latex mattresses.

natural and organic pillows

If you are looking for a firm mattress, then latex is the best of all. Mattresses made of this material are much firmer than other traditional types of mattresses, including memory foam.-

Couple sleeping on a memory foam mattress

Which one is better - Latex mattress or memory foam?

Well, there is no accurate answer to this question. Both memory foam and latex mattresses have their pros and cons. Making the right decision ultimately depends on which benefits among the above will give you your best night's sleep.

Have you used a latex or memory foam mattress before? Share your experience with us in the comments below!

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Disclaimer: What is said in this article has been referenced from multiple sources and is intended only for educational and informational purposes. Please note that no content in this article is a substitute for professional advice from a qualified doctor or healthcare provider. Always consult an experienced doctor with any concerns you may have regarding a health condition or treatment, and never disregard any medical suggestions or delay in seeking treatment because of something you read here.

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