Dr. Waiz Wasey

Dr. Waiz Wasey

Dr. Waiz Wasey, a sleep physician rooted in family medicine, completed his residency at Southern Illinois University, Springfield, Illinois, before delving into a sleep medicine fellowship at Mayo Clinic. His accolades during training include the resident of the year title, a resident teaching award for exceptional research contributions, and a nomination for the prestigious Mayo Brother’s award, accompanied by a letter of appreciation from Mayo Clinic's CEO.

Prior to joining The Insomnia and Sleep Institute of Arizona, Dr. Wasey held roles as a hospitalist, assistant professor of family medicine in a residency program, and director of sleep clinics.

With double board certification in Family Medicine and Sleep Medicine, Dr. Wasey centers his practice on optimizing overall health by addressing sleep disorders, particularly when intertwined with multiple medical conditions. He advocates for prioritizing quality sleep, considering its substantial impact on our lives. Dr. Wasey's expertise encompasses various sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, insomnia, circadian rhythm disorders, and parasomnias. He incorporates modern technology, evidence-based treatments, and occasionally holistic approaches into his treatment strategies.

Dr. Wasey's contributions extend to committee roles within the academy of sleep medicine and family medicine, paralleled by his enthusiasm for teaching and his publications of textbook chapters on sleep medicine.

Outside of his professional endeavors, Dr. Wasey indulges in travel, photography, and hiking.


Education & Certifications

  • Residency from Southern Illinois University, Springfield, Illinois
  • Sleep medicine fellowship at Mayo Clinic
    • Resident of the year title
    • Resident teaching award for exceptional research contributions
    • Nomination for the prestigious Mayo Brother's award
  • Double board certification in Family Medicine and Sleep Medicine

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