Best Temperature for Sleep

Last Updated August 8, 2024

Have you ever noticed that you sleep better in a cool room? Or that you have trouble sleeping in a hot environment? There’s a reason for that – temperature plays a big role in how well we sleep.

how to find the right temperature for a good night's sleep

In this blog post, we’ll explore the science of sleep and how temperature affects our sleep quality. We’ll also share some tips for getting a good night’s sleep at any temperature. So if you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep, read on!

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What is the Best Temperature for Sleep?

Most people sleep best at a cool temperature, around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. But there is some variation depending on the person. Some people sleep better warmer, at about 72 degrees, while others do the best sleeping quite cold, at around 55 degrees. So the best temperature could be different for different people and their different needs.

man finding hard to sleep

But still, there are a few things you can do to figure out what temperature works best for you. First, experiment with different temperatures and see how you feel when you wake up. If you find that you sleep better at a certain temperature, stick with that.

Another thing to keep in mind is that your body temperature drops as you sleep, so a cool room can actually be helpful in getting and staying asleep. So if you're having trouble sleeping, lower the thermostat and see if that makes a difference.

Finally, keep in mind that temperature is just one factor that can affect sleep. Other things like noise level, light exposure, and comfort level are also important.

Is it better to sleep hot or cold?

Some people find that they sleep better when it is cool, while others prefer to sleep in a warmer environment. But the research suggests that cooler temperatures are better for deep, restful sleep, especially in the evening.

You see, our body clock regulates the variation in our core body temperature. If the ambiance is cool and comfortable, then melatonin secretion also increases in the body. Every such increase induces restfulness and better REM sleep in our bodies.

But at the same time, if it is too cold or too hot, then this balance is disturbed, further impacting our sleep stages. The key lies in keeping it where everybody is happy, including you and your body and also your partner in bed.

man and woman in bed have good and bad sleep

How cold is too cold for sleeping?

How cold is too cold for when you hit the bed? This is a question that many people ask, especially during the winter months. Weather and climate play a big role in how our bodies function and keep up the energy and earn restfulness. And sleep is no exception to the changes our bodies feel during those chilly times of the year. If you ask how do different weathers and climates affect our sleeping patterns? Well, this might take another article to cover the factors and phenomena that regulate our body functions, but it is a fact that the external environment impacts our energy, restfulness, and sleep.

The thing is, we can still manage to manipulate and adapt our bodies to various climates and weathers. But in general, our bodies are designed to sleep at cooler temperatures than when we are awake. This is because our bodies need to rest and repair while we sleep, and the cooler temperature helps with this process.

So If the temperature is too low, it can actually disrupt our sleep and make it more difficult to get a good night’s rest.

If you’re someone who gets cold easily, there are a few things you can do to make sure you stay comfortable at night. Invest in a good-quality comforter or duvet that will keep you warm without making you too hot. You can also wear socks to bed to keep your feet warm.

woman in eye mask sleeping in bed at home at night

Will sleeping in a cold room make you sick?

There's no need to worry about sleeping in a cold room making you sick if you have lived your whole life in a cold climate condition. In fact, Temperature is an important element that aids our immune system fight off illnesses.

Our immune system is hard at work whether we're in a warm or cool environment. The common cold and flu are caused by viruses, and they are too affected by temperature changes. So, chances are if you're feeling under the weather, it's not because you slept in a cold room, it might be because your body is not used to such a cold environment. The idea is not to lose your body heat or amp it up but to >keep it regulated at an optimum level. So, unless the room is too cold beyond your body’s resistance level, you don’t need to sweat it out.

Cooler temperatures promote deeper and longer sleep by slowing down your metabolism and decreasing your body temperature. Sleeping in a cool environment can also help to reduce inflammation and pain. Inflammation is a key driver of many chronic diseases, so anything we can do to reduce it can have a big impact on our overall health.

So, if you're looking to get a good night's rest, sleeping in a cool room may be worth a try. Just don't forget to bundle up!

Is it bad to sleep in a warm room?

Sleeping in a warm room can have some negative effects on your sleep quality. The temperature of your room can affect how quickly you fall asleep and how deep your sleep is. If your room is too warm, you may find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night.

feet in woolen socks warming at a burning fireplace at house

In other words, if you tend to sleep hot, a warm room can certainly make it more difficult to drift off. Add to it your body's natural sleep-wake cycle, and rest assured that a warmer environment will signal to your body that it's time to be awake and alert.

But even a cool bedroom environment can make it harder for your body to stay asleep throughout the night. Your body temperature naturally dips when you sleep, so if the room temperature is not set right, then you will keep waking up feeling cold in the middle of the night. Try cranking up the heat before bed and see if it makes a difference.

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Consider adjusting the temperature of your room if you find yourself struggling to sleep. Also, make sure to create a peaceful and comfortable environment in your bedroom to ensure the best possible sleep. Also, If you sleep alone, then it’s okay to fiddle with the thermostat. But if you’re with your partner, then you need to see what works for both of you.

Should you sleep with the windows open?

Studies have shown that people tend to sleep better when the room temperature is cool, around 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

building with window and man, woman

Sleeping with the windows open can also help you sleep better by providing fresh air. Indoor air can be polluted with a variety of toxins, such as dust, mold, and chemicals. These pollutants can cause respiratory problems and make it difficult to breathe.

Getting a good supply of fresh air can help you sleep better and reduce the risk of respiratory problems.

What temperature is too cold for a house?

This is a difficult question to answer because it depends on a variety of factors, including the climate you live in, the type of home you have, and your personal preferences.

In general, however, most people agree that a house should be kept at a temperature that is comfortable for sleeping. For many people, this means a temperature that is on the cool side, around 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

young romantic couple sitting on the floor in front of a fireplace

Of course, everyone is different, and some people prefer a warmer or cooler home, but if you're looking for a general guideline, 68 degrees is a good place to start.

Additionally, it's important to make sure that your home is well-ventilated so that you don't get too hot or too cold.

Is sleeping without a blanket good?

Most people sleep with a blanket, but is it really necessary? Some people believe that sleeping without a blanket is actually better for you.

But there are a few reasons why sleeping with a blanket might be beneficial. For one, it can help regulate your body temperature. When you sleep with a blanket, your body temperature rises and then falls when you uncover yourself. Sleeping with a blanket can help keep your body temperature more stable.

Unless you are too warm, then you will find it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. For such people, sleeping without a blanket might be helpful in a way that it can prevent you from getting too hot. As said above, temperature plays a big role in how well we sleep.

a happy teenage girl lying under a blanket in bed

Finally, some people find that sleeping with a blanket just feels more comfortable. It provides thermal insulation when you’re too cold. But if you tend to get hot at night or you just don’t like the feel of a blanket, sleeping without one or going clothing optional might be better for you.

But if you’re considering sleeping without a blanket, it’s important to make sure you’re still staying warm enough. You might need to wear warmer pajamas or use an extra pillow if you tend to get cold at night.

Still, sleeping with a blanket can be a comfortable and refreshing way to sleep.

What should I set my thermostat to at night?

Lo and behold, we have arrived at the ultimate riddle of a house. Where to set the thermostat? If you're looking to conserve energy and save money on your utility bills, setting your thermostat to the lowest temperature at night is a good place to start. Depending on the climate you live in, the recommended temperature for cooling your home at night is anywhere from 68-72 degrees.

a worried senior man with bill turning down central heating thermostat

Not only will this help you save money, but keeping your home cooler at night can also help you sleep better.

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Cooler temperatures signal to our bodies that it is time to wind down and prepare for sleep. It may take some trial and error, but ultimately you will find a temperature that promotes deep, restful sleep.

Related blog posts:

1. Sleep Apps

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2. Sleep Music

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3. How to Fall Asleep Fast

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4. How to Sleep Cooler

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5. Bedtime Books

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Just keep on good blankets and duvets nearby in case you feel too cold. Take a lukewarm bath before bed if you feel too hot. It all depends on where you are and how you are adjusting to the place and the climate. The moment your body finds the right temperature, you will know it in your sleep and restfulness.

Disclaimer: What is said in this article has been referenced from multiple sources and is intended only for educational and informational purposes. Please note that no content in this article is a substitute for professional advice from a qualified doctor or healthcare provider. Always consult an experienced doctor with any concerns you may have regarding a health condition or treatment, and never disregard any medical suggestions or delay in seeking treatment because of something you read here.
