How to Fall Back in Love With Sleep

Last Updated October 4, 2024

Are you getting 6-8 hours of uninterrupted deep restful sleep? Do you feel refreshed when you wake up? If not, then even if you are getting some sleep, you may not be getting quality sleep. So, how can you fall back in love with sleep and obtain this treasured "quality sleep"?

Insomnia is an epidemic that is affecting roughly 60 million Americans. Half of my clients suffer from sleep disorders. Valerian and melatonin are popular supplements these days but instead of turning to supplements or sleeping pills, I advise you to look into root problems causing sleep disorders.

Multitasking and Information Overload

how to fall back in love with sleep

There is so much activity happening in our lives these days. I bet this much activity was unheard of 20 years ago. If I say multitasking causes sleep disorders, will you believe me?

Aren't we all using multiple tabs and windows on our computers, with one minute searching online, another minute reading email, and another minute distracted by a popover, a phone call, or a chat message?

Our brains have to speed up from, say, 40 miles per hour to 80 miles per hour to keep up with this multitasking and information overload.

latex mattress

Just like how the computer needs to be shut down, we have to bring our brains from 100 miles/hour to zero at night. You need to cut the power off. Just like you have to put the brakes before you park your car in the garage, you have to gradually slow down and prepare for sleep. You don't go to bed with a brain full of 100-mile-per-hour racing thoughts.

Sleep rituals are highly recommended to get you to slow down and get ready for sleep. Taking short walks during the evening, taking a warm bath or shower, reading a book, and turning off electronics 1-2 hours before sleeping are great ways to slow down your brain.

Taking a warm bath or shower - sleep routine for a good night's sleep

The Impact of Blue Light from Screens

Blue wavelengths keep your brain active, and that's definitely something you don't want when it turns dark. But with proliferation of electronics with screens and energy-saving lights, we are basked in blue light that suppresses our sleep hormone, melatonin.

A few years ago, my husband and my brother replaced all our regular incandescent bulbs with energy-saving, long-lasting (up to 11 years!) LED bulbs. I was not aware of the fact that LED lights and fluorescent lights emit too much blue light. We don't have sleep issues at this time but if it ever becomes a problem for us, I will certainly be considering going back to biologically friendly incandescent bulbs or other options like shorter-wavelength red lights for bedrooms.

Blue flower

To stay away from blue light as much as possible, consider wearing blue-blocking glasses or installing an app like 'flux' for your computers or 'twilight' or 'lux' for your hand-held devices. These apps can help filter the blue/green wavelength at night.

Your family may make fun of you wearing blue-blocking glasses but if you are really serious about your sleep problems, consider wearing them in the evening. They will get used to it after some time.

White and Pink Noise

We talked about blue light; now let's talk about the color of noise. It sounds strange to call a noise by color, but you might have heard about white noise, like the sound of static from the TV, helping some people sleep better. Pink noise like the sound of a fan, natural sounds like rain, ocean waves, and leaves rustling in the wind have also been shown to be effective in getting deep sleep.

Intimate Contact - Touch Upon Your Bedding

Whether you sleep alone or not, it's important to think about what’s in your bed sheets, mattress, and pillows—the things that touch your skin every night. Have you ever considered what materials are inside your mattress or how your sheets are made? Often, synthetic bedding contains toxic chemicals that can impact our health and sleep.

Reducing the toxins in your bedroom can significantly improve your sleep and overall health. By investing in natural bedding, like a latex mattress topper and organic pillows, you can reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals while you sleep. You’ll notice a significant difference in your sleep quality, even after just one night.

Related blog posts:

1. How to Fall Asleep Fast

How to Fall Asleep Fast

2. How to Increase Deep Sleep?

How to Increase Deep Sleep?

3. What to Do When You Can’t Sleep?

What to Do When You Can’t Sleep?

4. Foods That Make You Sleepy and The Ones That Keep You Awake!

Foods That Make You Sleepy and The Ones That Keep You Awake!

5. 10 Drinks That Help You Sleep at Night

10 Drinks That Help You Sleep at Night

Disclaimer: What is said in this article has been referenced from multiple sources and is intended only for educational and informational purposes. Please note that no content in this article is a substitute for professional advice from a qualified doctor or healthcare provider. Always consult an experienced doctor with any concerns you may have regarding a health condition or treatment, and never disregard any medical suggestions or delay in seeking treatment because of something you read here.
