Adjustable Mattress









      Many sleep experts say that couples who sleep together often tend to sleep happier. But sadly, a lot of couples do not sleep together, primarily because of different bed preferences. If you and your significant other are facing such problems, getting the best adjustable mattress on the market may help change that!

      Each of your sleeping preferences might be as different as peanut butter and jelly, so finding common ground is key. You may love plush, cloud-like mattresses, while your sleeping partner may dream of the steady support of a firm mattress. In such cases, an adjustable mattress (with adjustable firmness) and an adjustable bed base can cater to both your soft and firm needs. Turmerry is here to provide exactly that!


      • Adjustable beds cater to individual sleep preferences and offer customized support.
      • Turmerry's Quest series of adjustable bed bases feature: Zero-gravity mode, Sonic massage motors, Underbed lighting, Dual USB ports, and Voice-activated Hello Ergo system.
      • The Quest 2.0 and 2.5 adjustable bed bases are ideal for couples, providing independent control over each sleeper's position and wireless remote control.
      • Using an adjustable mattress base can enhance the sleeping experience and promote feeling well-rested upon waking.
      • Adjustable beds can optimize bedroom space with features such as head and foot articulation, one-touch flat preset, and ultra-slim profile.

      Top Picks for Adjustable Bed Frames

      Based on our research and experience on the topic, we recommend Turmerry Quest bases as the best adjustable base set. Here are all the features that’ll make you love Turmerry’s adjustable bases -

      1. Turmerry's Quest 1.0 Adjustable Base Bed

      Turmerry's Quest 1.0 Adjustable Base Bed

      Starting at $625.00 + Free Shipping

      With an ultra-slim 1-inch profile, the Quest 1.0 Adjustable Base Bed fits seamlessly into your existing bed platform, and you can even opt for our 12-inch adjustable/stackable legs. Enjoy features like a wired remote, a zero standby power system, silent drive motors, and head articulation. It's perfect for enhancing your sleep at an affordable price!

      1. Turmerry's Quest 2.0 Adjustable Base Bed

      Turmerry's Quest 2.0 Adjustable Base Bed

      Starting at $785.00 + Free Shipping

      The Quest 2.0 adjustable base takes things up a notch by adding foot articulation to the standard head articulation. It's a game-changer, allowing you to read, meditate, or work in bed comfortably. With a wireless remote, one-touch flat preset, and a 2-inch ultra-slim profile, this adjustable bed base can be great for enhancing the overall bedroom experience for you and your sleep partner.

      1. Turmerry's Quest 2.5 Adjustable Base Bed

      Turmerry's Quest 2.5 Adjustable Base Bed

      Starting at $1,215.00 + Free Shipping

      The Quest 2.5 adjustable base is the sweet spot between size, affordability, and rich features. Packed with programmable presets, a Zero G preset, sonic massage motors, underbed lighting, dual USB ports, and our voice-activated Hello Ergo system, it transforms your bedroom into a multifunctional space. Whether you want to start your day with meditation or wind down with a zero-gravity experience, the Quest 2.5 adjustable bed frame has got you covered!

      • What We Recommend for Couples

      We recommend the Quest 2.0 or 2.5

      We recommend the Quest 2.0 or 2.5 adjustable bed base, tailored specifically for couples who prioritize individualized sleep preferences. Our Split King size, comprising two twin XL-size bed bases, grants you and your partner independent control over each sleeper's position.

      With wireless remote control, both of you can effortlessly fine-tune the bed's configuration according to your specific needs. Whether it's adjusting both your head and foot positions for anti-snore, achieving the most relaxed position for reading or meditating, or alleviating joint discomfort with personalized settings, these adjustable bed bases with extra features cater to a diverse range of sleep preferences.

      The Quest series includes adjustable base features such as zero-gravity, which slightly raises both the head and foot of your bed, providing a unique angle inspired by neutral body posture. This not only contributes to pressure relief and joint discomfort alleviation but also gives you complete control to find the perfect position to address specific concerns like acid reflux or partner snoring.

      Split king design

      Benefits of Turmerry's Adjustable Bed Base

      From advanced technologies to innovative designs and the ability to exist without a box spring, here are some benefits of adjustable mattresses and bases that make them irresistible for your bedroom!

      Pressure Relieving

      Adjustable bed frame alleviate joint pain

      If you're looking to bid farewell to discomfort and pressure point pain, an adjustable mattress base can be your go-to! Their customizable levels allow you to target and alleviate those nagging pressure points. Whether you are battling acute back aches, looking to soothe joint discomfort, or tackling misaligned spines, the adjustable base lets you change your head and foot positions and tailor your mattress to comfort. You will end up sleeping like a baby and wake up feeling well rested.

      Better Support for Various Sleeping Positions

      Ultimate comfort on adjustable bed

      We all have our own unique sleeping preferences and positions. Thankfully, adjustable bases make sure that no matter whether you're a side sleeper, back snoozer, or stomach sleeper, you get the customized support you deserve. These adjustable bases can be adjusted to suit your preferred sleeping position with the right elevation at the right points, ensuring that your mattress embraces the natural curves of your body.

      Customization for Couples

      Customization for Couples

      If you and your partner have different sleep preferences, consider the benefits of adjustable bases! They are designed to cater to individual comfort by allowing each person to customize their side independently.

      You can elevate your head while your partner prefers a zero-gravity position or an elevated foot position. With an adjustable mattress base, both preferences can be easily accommodated. This thoughtful customization not only ensures a good night's sleep for both of you but also minimizes disturbances, creating a harmonious sleep experience.

      Our split king-size mattresses and bed bases are the perfect choice! With two twin XL mattresses and an adjustable base, you can individually control each sleeper's position, allowing you both to find the perfect setup for your side of the bed.

      Addressing Specific Health Conditions

      Addressing Specific Health Conditions

      If you're dealing with health issues like acid reflux or sleep apnea, finding the perfect mattress base can make a world of difference. You can elevate the adjustable base to an optimal angle (lift your head higher).

      This elevation not only helps alleviate symptoms related to your health conditions but also enhances the overall quality of your sleep. You can also choose your mattress to suit your specific needs, creating a more comfortable and supportive environment.

      Enhanced Relaxation with Zero Gravity Position

      Zero gravity refers to weightless sleeping position

      Our adjustable bed bases are designed with a special zero-gravity feature. Zero-gravity includes slightly raising the legs and head, promoting a weightless feeling, and relieving pressure from your lower back. This position is inspired by the posture astronauts adopt during takeoff, offering a deeply relaxing sensation.

      As you lay down together, this innovative technology creates a unique and stress-relieving sleep experience, contributing to the perfect setting for couples to unwind and connect!

      Best Adjustable Mattress

      Sleep Better as a Couple with Turmerry's Adjustable Base

      Investing in an adjustable mattress base can be a life-changing step for couples, offering customizable configurations to meet individual comfort needs. From addressing specific health conditions to reducing pressure points, these bases cater to diverse sleep preferences.

      As we recommend the Quest 2.0 or 2.5 adjustable bed base, designed for couples with individualized sleep preferences, we encourage you to prioritize your sleep quality. With Turmerry's adjustable mattresses and bases, the journey to a restful and rejuvenating night’s sleep for both you and your partner is just a click away.

      Adjustable Mattress - Buyer's Guide

      In this buyer's guide, we will answer all of your questions about adjustable mattresses and bases!

      Is an Adjustable Base Right for You?

      An adjustable base can revolutionize the way you approach sleep, providing customizable configurations tailored to your individual comfort needs. With these bases, you can dynamically position your mattress, whether it's elevating the head to reduce partner snore or finding that perfect angle for watching TV and lifting the foot to rest easily.

      Adjustable base purchase consideration for comfortable position

      Adjustable bases cater to a wide spectrum of sleep preferences, too. Whether you're a dedicated stomach sleeper or someone yearning for a zero-gravity experience, these split-design bases will have you covered.

      For those dealing with specific health conditions like acid reflux, joint pain, or sleep apnea, the adjustable base can be a savior.

      Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Adjustable Mattress and Base

      Selecting the right adjustable mattress and base is a decision that directly impacts your sleep quality and optimal comfort. To ensure both you and your partner enjoy restful nights, here are several key factors to consider -

      Individual Needs and Compromise

      Individual Needs and Compromise

      Take into account both your wants and needs, focusing on essentials like support and comfort. It's crucial to identify must-haves versus nice-to-haves, such as motion transfer and temperature control. While finding a mattress that caters to both partners might seem challenging, narrowing down the essential requirements will lay the foundation for the best sleep.

      Sleeping Position, Body Weight, and Mattress Firmness

      Sleeping Position, Body Weight, and Mattress Firmness

      When selecting a mattress as a couple, it's vital to consider sleeping positions, body type, and firmness preferences. Different sleeping positions require varying support levels to maintain spinal alignment. Consider your combined body weights to find a mattress that offers balanced support for both partners.

      Choosing a mattress firmness level that caters to each person's comfort needs further ensures a harmonious sleep environment, especially when there are differences in preferences between partners.

      For example, if you're a side sleeper, you might prefer a softer mattress, while your partner, a stomach sleeper, may lean towards something firmer. Couples with differing sleep preferences can find common ground by compromising on a firmness level that falls between their ideal choices.

      Back, Hip, or Shoulder Pain

      Back, Hip, or Shoulder Pain

      If you or your partner experience back, hip, or shoulder pain, selecting a mattress base with the right amount of support is important. Features like head and foot articulation, zero-gravity, and gravity release can help alleviate pain by maintaining spinal posture, elevating the foot of your bed, and relieving pressure points. Choosing an adjustable base that specifically addresses your pain concerns ensures a more comfortable and supportive sleep.

      Mattress Type

      Mattress Types

      Explore various mattress types, such as memory foam, latex, hybrid, and airbed, each with its own strengths and drawbacks.

      Here's a closer look at some popular choices:

      • Memory Foam

      Pros: Excellent at absorbing movement and providing pressure relief.

      Cons: Traps heat and can off-gas VOCs, which can be a consideration for those who are sensitive to temperature fluctuations or chemicals.

      • Latex

      Pros: Highly responsive, contouring, durable, and sustainable.

      Cons: Can be relatively expensive, making it less ideal for those on a budget.

      • Hybrid

      Pros: Versatile option combining pocketed coil support with a mix of materials in the comfort system.

      Cons: The variety of materials can impact the feel, and it may come at a moderate price point.

      • Airbed

      Pros: Customizable firm surface for individual preferences.

      Cons: Not ideal for long-term use, and the customization features may come with a higher price tag.

      Mattress Features

      Mattress Features

      For couples with significant differences in weight, additional considerations come into play:

      • Split-Firmness Mattresses

      Designed with two firmness levels in one bed, these are perfect for both partners' preferences, giving you a balanced compromise for varying firmness preferences.

      • Price and Size

      Evaluate the size of your bedroom and personal space preferences when choosing a mattress size, such as queen, king, or California king. Keep in mind that larger mattresses may come at a higher price point, with average prices varying by mattress type.

      • Motion Isolation and Noise

      For light sleepers or those easily disturbed by their partner’s movements, prioritize mattresses with strong motion isolation. Materials like memory foam and latex absorb movements and reduce noise, ensuring a more peaceful sleep environment.

      • Edge Support and Responsiveness

      Consider mattresses with reinforced edges for adequate support, preventing the feeling of rolling off the edge. Responsiveness and bounce are crucial for ease of movement, ensuring a comfortable experience for couples.

      • Temperature Regulation

      Opt for mattresses with good airflow and cooling technology if overheating is a concern. Hybrid and latex models often offer better temperature neutrality, enhancing overall sleep comfort.

      • Sleep Trials and Mattress Warranties

      Review manufacturers' sleep trial policies to test mattresses before committing. Check warranty terms, considering duration, coverage for manufacturer defects, and any specific requirements for warranty eligibility.

      Where Can You Purchase an Adjustable Bed Frame?

      Adjustable bed frames can be an expensive purchase. Couple that with buying a new bed, and it can break your bank! However, if you choose the right place to buy your adjustable bed frame, you may end up making a great decision while also saving some green!

      From Reputable Retailers

      From Reputable Retailers

      Consider buying your adjustable beds from established and reputable retailers. These stores often boast knowledgeable staff who can provide valuable insights into different mattress types, certified foam, and other great features. Reputable retailers curate a selection of high-quality products, ensuring you make well-informed decisions.

      Online Marketplaces

      Online Marketplaces

      There are several online marketplaces, like Amazon, that will deliver the same adjustable beds at the same quality with all the guarantees and warranties intact. There are also customer reviews for the adjustable base to help you decide. If you have questions or concerns, you often have the option to contact the seller directly through the information provided on their website.

      Directly From the Seller

      Directly From the Seller

      You can also purchase directly from the website of your preferred brand. For instance, you can buy your adjustable bed frames from the Turmerry website directly.

      We recommend this as the best way to make your purchase for three reasons: First, this will give you the freedom to communicate with the seller directly.

      Second, you can easily browse through their adjustable base and adjustable beds collection, screen through reviews, and make an informed decision.

      Third, sellers often have discounts, clearance sales, and seasonal offers running on their websites. This can help you save a big chunk of cash, especially if you are buying an adjustable bed base and an adjustable mattress at once.

      Don't Ignore Customer Reviews and Ratings

      Don't Ignore Customer Reviews and Ratings

      Whether you're shopping on a well-known online marketplace or at a specialized retailer, always check customer reviews and ratings to pick the best mattress and adjustable base. Real customer experiences will give you invaluable insights into the performance, durability, and overall satisfaction of adjustable bed frames. Look for reviews that align with your priorities, whether it's adjustable firmness, features, comfort, or durability.

      Evaluate Warranty and Return Policies

      Evaluate Warranty and Return Policies

      Before finalizing your purchase, carefully evaluate the warranty and return policies offered by the retailer. Reputable retailers provide transparent and fair policies, ensuring you have recourse in case of defects or dissatisfaction. Understanding the terms of warranty coverage and return processes can give you a stress-free adjustable base buying experience.

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